Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jelly Jewellery for Sale!

These are also some other pieces I made a while ago but can me made to order, subject to availability of the beads. Hopefully I will be making more very soon. Exams are coming up and spare time is a luxury :) Mean while enjoy these pieces..

Jelly 001:
Pin​k Sno​w Ear​rin​gs

Jelly 002:
Confusion Earrings

Jelly 003:
Pin​k Bow​ Nec​klace

Drop me a line at cupcake.wardrobe@gmail.com
if you are interested in any of my pieces.

Free Postage for my first 5 customers!

Happy Shopping Girls!

Introducing "Jelly Jewellery"

The TWO Fs! "FOOD & FASHION". I can't survive without either of these two things. Can you? Food and Fashion is my passion and Jelly Jewellery is about fashion. Jelly Jewellery is about having fun with creating jewellery. My Jewellery pieces are inspired by things I see around me. I love vintage, costume and antique jewellery. These following pieces have all been sold but I want to share them with you.

Swarovski Crystals & Pearls Necklace

Crystal Bomb Necklace

Green Flower Necklace

Green Glass Beads & White Plastic Square Necklace
Dragonflies Necklace
Atumn Leaves Necklace

Lace Butterfly Necklace
Locket & Frame Necklace